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Douglas, MA Police Department

Finn is a certified Comfort/Therapy Dog and 3-year veteran of the Douglas Police Department in Massachusetts. He arrived in January 2020 as a puppy and has grown into his role admirably, working alongside his handler, School Resource Officer Brett Fulone since that time. Finn was featured on “Good Morning America’s Pet of the Week” segment in March 2020, and has been a rock star ever since. He is closely followed by many fans all over social media. Finn spends much of his time in the Douglas schools visiting students and faculty alike. He enjoys making appearances at public and social events, and is often invited to visit people and places outside of Douglas as well. Finn loves going to work and enjoys interacting with children and people of all ages.

Finn was featured on Good Morning America as the Pet of the Week.


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"Dogs are not our whole lives, but they help make our lives whole." ~ Roger Caras

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Rindge, NH

All photos and content contained within this website are the property of Boonefield Labradors.  Copying is strictly prohibited.

Website designed and built by Kristen Grady

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